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Latest Australia Awards Scholarships 2023-2024

Latest Australia Awards Scholarships 2023-2024. Australia Awards Scholarships are international scholarships funded by the Australian Government, which enable high-achieving individuals from developing countries to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at Australian universities, as well as participate in short-term training courses, research, and professional development programs. These scholarships aim to build the capacity and leadership skills of recipients and to contribute to the development needs of their home countries. The scholarships cover all tuition fees, travel expenses, living allowances, and other associated costs, and are awarded on the basis of merit, academic excellence, and leadership potential. The program reflects Australia’s commitment to promoting education and skills development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Host Institutions:

Any of the Participating Australian institutions

Field of the Study:

Undergraduate or Postgraduate Programmes that are related to your country’s priority areas for development are listed on the participating country profiles.

Targeted Countries:

Citizens of one of the participating countries in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East. See the complete list given below.

Scholarship Benefits and Duration:

The scholarship benefits generally include full tuition fees, return air travel, establishment allowance, contribution to living expenses (CLE), Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), Introductory Academic Program (IAP), Pre-course English (PCE) fees, etc.

Australia Awards Scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. The following benefits generally apply:

  • full tuition fees
  • return air travel–payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the most direct route
  • establishment allowance–a once-only payment as a contribution towards accommodation expenses, textbooks, study materials
  • Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE) – a fortnightly contribution to basic living expenses paid at a rate determined by the department.
  • Introductory Academic Program (IAP)–a compulsory program prior to the commencement of formal academic studies covering information on living and studying in Australia
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only)–provided to cover the scholar’s basic medical costs (with the exception of pre-existing conditions)
  • Pre-course English (PCE) fees–if deemed necessary PCE may be available for students for in-country and/or in-Australia training
  • supplementary academic support may be available to ensure a scholar’s academic success or enhance their academic experience
  • fieldwork (for research awards and Masters by coursework which has a research component where fieldwork is compulsory) may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare via the most direct route to their country of citizenship or within Australia.

See the complete list of benefits on the official website.

Eligibility Criteria:

if you are fulfilling the following requirements then you are eligible for the Australian Award Scholarship

  1. be a minimum of 18 years of age on 1 February of the year of commencing the scholarship;
  2. be a citizen of a participating country (as listed on the Australia Awards website) and be residing in and applying for the scholarship from their country of citizenship;
  3. not be a citizen of Australia, hold permanent residency in Australia, or be applying for a visa to live in Australia permanently;
  4. not be married to, engaged to, or a de facto of a person who holds, or is eligible to hold, Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency, at any time during the application, selection, or mobilization phases (note: residents of Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau with New Zealand citizenship are eligible but must apply for a Student visa [subclass 500]);
  5. not be currently serving military personnel;

Read the complete eligibility criteria in the Australian Award Scholarship Policy Handbook (PDF)

How to Apply?

The last date to apply is 1 May 2023 at 11:59 pm AEST.

Check the open and last dates for your country, and select your country from the list of participating countries for specific information on eligibility, and how to apply.

Official Scholarship Website:

Official Scholarship Website is

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