PESCO Jobs 2022 for Assistant Lineman

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PESCO Jobs 2022 for Assistant Lineman. PESCO announces the latest jobs for the post of Assistant Lineman. Interested candidates can apply online. PESCO runs under Company Ordinance-1984 as well as the article of Association, Company is inviting applications for recruitment of suitable candidates.

Last Date to Apply27/March/2022
Total Vacancies2500+
Physical ParametersAge Limit: 18-30 years
Height: 5 feet 4 in
Chest: 32 in
Running: 800 meters in 5 min
Pushups: 20 in 3 min
Weight Lifting: 30 kg
Digging: 1 ditch of length, depth, and width (2×2×2) feet
Climbing Skills: (Tower/ Ladder) up to 10 feet wearing safety equipment
Pulling of Wires: In one span of 100 feet
Pay ScaleAs Government Pay Scale

How to Apply:

  1. Interested Candidate shall submit application on the above given “Apply Online” button.
  2. Candidates are required to deposit fee of Rs.489/-.
  3. Before filling the online application form, Deposit the required fee (mentioned above) in any nearest branch of United Bank Limited (UBL) in Account No. 1486-205505522.
  4. After successful deposit of fee, get computerized printed receipt from bank counter, which contains 10 digits SEQ No. which will be used for online application.
  5. Once you followed the above steps, click on APPLY button to submit your application.
  6. Candidates will be informed through SMS by UET Peshawar to download and print their Roll No. Slip.
  7. Last date to apply online for Peshawar Electric Supply Company PESCO Jobs for the post of Assistant Lineman (ALM) is 27th March 2022.
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